Shoes and Stockings
Or more correctly, pantyhose. I make no secret of the fact that I always wear pantyhose under my stockings, and I have a couple a favorites brands. The one I like the most is Calvin Klein Invisible Control Top in “Buff”. Since I am a bit of a hoarder I stock up on it when there are sales, as they are now $12.00.
Yesterday I was at my local TJ Maxx store, a discount store for those that don’t know, and there it was, first quality, my color my size, for only $3.99. So I looked through and grabbed everything in buff in my size –14 pairs!!! Then for good measure 6 pairs in beige. Checkout was interesting, with 20 pairs of pantyhose, but think of the savings!
Shoes I
The up side of being a part time gal is that we’re not subjects to the whims of fashion. I keep everything. I have my very first pair of Frederick’s of Hollywood 5 inch pointy toe pumps. I went through a “mule” stage and though I don’t wear them that often these days, I have kept each and every pair.
The down side of this is that shopping for shoes is just no fun anymore, as I seem to have some version of everything I see. I went to three places last evening, Leopards print pumps—got ‘em…white platforms……got two (ok now three because it was such a good deal!), black…. got I don’t know, 30 pairs. I manage to still buy stuff, but It’s just not as much fun.
Shoes II
I am a stalker. Only occasionally, but a stalker indeed. On my sojourn last evening I went to DSW Shoe warehouse and I spotted a pair of grey pumps on a gal that were pretty sexy, and grey hosiery as well. The wearer had a grey silk suit, and bleach blond hair. I just knew she’d be a babe, so I kept maneuvering myself to get a look. But she was on her phone, in a spirited conversation, and it became a dance of sorts. I finally gave up because I couldn’t continue to be so obvious.
A moment later I stood in line to pay, three pairs of women’s shoes, and she shows up in line behind me. As usual I was right, she wore LancĂ´me’s Magic Noir perfume, and oldie but a favorite of mine, great makeup, just lovely. She looked at my shoe boxes and frowned with disdain however. Oh well, at least she didn’t seem me buying tampons.