Hi Girls,
Those that know me understand that I am obsessive about EVERYTHING girly. OK I admit it. And long sexy nails are one of many things things that just get me going. I was a a business meeting this morning, and the woman on the other side of the dispute I am working on was very professional, very conservatively dressed, and she had 3 inch nails with rhinestones on the tips. If you really want to know how to get me to side with you, have nails like this!
Anyway....many of you have asked me where I get my own nails. Most of the plains colors, and some of the designed nails, I did myself. It takes time and patience. I often did them while watching college football of all things. I could paints 4 or 5 sets.
But the newer more elaborate nails are coming from one lady who really takes care of me. I found her on EBay, and she is lovely. Search "hand painted nails", but go to EBay UK. You might want to look for "Nail Candy" as well. I am lucky to have small feminine hands, so a normal set of nails works fine for me. Consider this if you have larger "man hands" as Seinfeld once said. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want either. I have found UK vendors bend over backwards for us yanks. Ciao.
Thanks for the tip on the "hand painted nails" April