Or they may be born with it, and of course not all real women! But as part time gals, and even those among us that have become full time gals, we just don’t do things as effortlessly as most real girls. Here’s my list:
1. Makeup. The fact is that even the conservative among us look like they painstakingly put on their makeup, as opposed to those real girls, who somehow use foundation, blush, lipstick, and more every day and seem to do it in 20 minutes time.
2. Blush. Yes of course one could count this as makeup, but as I have said many times, real gals can seem to put it on anywhere, in the car, walking, on a bicycle, and it comes our great every time.
3. Accessories. Now I might argue this point myself to myself, as I am pretty good at accessorizing my outfit. Or should I say “was” since I don’t venture out that often these days.
4. Leg Crossing. I recently dealt with this on my blog, and got a couple of emails disputing my claim. In any case I think we look strained when we do this, like we are trying to show how casual we are. And in many cases it is about showing off as well. Real girls just do it. Just today I saw two women sitting on a bench eating yogurt, and they looked like they were meant to have their legs crossed.
5.Perfume. We wear too much. Now in this case I would be willing to say that there are a fair amount of women who wear too much as well, but still, we overdue it.
6. Smile. Again, to me we always look contrived when smiling, with the exception of functions when groups are having their pictures taken. Compare any of us you know to Julia Roberts, and you will see what I mean.

Well I thought my reconnection with Trudy the Lawyer would be short lived, but I was wrong. It seems like she wants to go back to where we were. I can understand this to a certain extent, she’s come so far in such a relatively short period of time, and in a way I am secure. And I am certainly no threat.
She talked me into going outlet shopping with her over the weekend. I believe she takes me because she really has no girlfriends to go with, and she trusts my judgment more than her own on how to dress.
To be succinct--we scored big time! “Off Fifth” had some amazing suits that she wouldn’t have even tried on because they were a 10 and she wears an 8. She ended up with 4, all of them lovely, in brighter more fun colors. One bright yellow Tadashi number made me envious. They were on double secret sale, and with coupons and buy one get one and this and that and the fact is was daytime she go all for on the for about $350.00, The Tadashi alone had a price tag of $600 on it.
We hit the “Cosmetics Company Store”, and she spent more than $200 there. I must admit I also dropped a few bucks there myself. Nine West was having buy one get on at half price, and she bought 6 colors of the same shoe. It was a nice sling back, but 6 colors. I got two pairs in bright orange and yellow. We wear the same shoe size BTW!

I was in line at my local Starbucks when I caught the scent of Lancome’s “Magic Noir”-- it is by far my favorite scent. I turned to see a stunning tall blond, white blouse, skirt from a suit, black pumps and hosiery with these oversize black dots. She was striking, and I need those stockings!
Sightings II
In TJ Maxx, a lovely older woman in sling backs and RHT stockings!
Michelle Bachmann is not going to run for Congress again. How she got there in the first place is beyond me, but I find her and Sarah Palin sexy for some reason. In fact I find Tina Fey’s imitation of Sarah Palin even sexier…..I saw the new Star Trek movie --I loved it…….J Lo and the crazy outfits she’s wearing are bothering me. She is a stunning woman in every way and a little bit of style and grace would suit her well…..I love Pinterest!
Other Stuff
The very first lipstick I bought on my own was Revlon’s “Cherries in the Snow”. I drove 15 miles form home and went to a store called “Zayre’s” a discount store. I got lipstick, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, and I can’t remember what else. Revlon still makes this lipstick, and the other day I bought it—it is still spectacular. And about a third of what I normally pay as well.
April Honey, I hope that you see this, I was looking at my drawings of you and fell back head over heels!